Honor Thy Band Director!

Musical Instrument Rental Service FAQ

How it works
Which instrument could my child play? (when they don't like the teacher's recommendation)

Throughout my 30+ years as a band director and industry professional, I know most children can adapt to about any instrument with honest effort. That being said, there are exceptions due to physical characteristics which may limit choices. Make every effort to have an experienced music teacher help you with selecting which instrument will be best for your child. If there has been an instrument try-out procedure and your child is disappointed with the choices assigned to them, by all means discuss this with the teacher as this is absolutely something they need to be aware of. Music teachers are striving to maintain a balanced instrumentation--you can't have a good band with 30 alto sax players and 20 drummers! However, teachers have some flexibility and will want your child to be both happy and motivated about their choice of which instrument to play.

What is the 50% early purchase option?
What's the price if we just buy the instrument outright?
How long will it take to process my on-line rental?
Is the rental instrument going to be new?
Will the instrument be suitable for our school's instrumental program?
What comes with the instrument?
Is there a minimum contract length?
Do you offer any type of protection plan?
Tell me what happens with damage or repairs.
What happens if my child decides to quit?
What happens if my child needs to switch to a different instrument?
What other things will we need besides the instrument?
Do you provide any free lessons?
Does it come with a free music stand?

Ready to play?